5 Benefits of swimming in midlife and beyond

5 Benefits of swimming in midlife and beyond
Photo – Pixabay

Swimming is an activity that knows no boundaries. Spending time in the water is possible for almost anyone, regardless of age, weight or physical condition.

When swimming or any other water-based exercise is performed consistently, it can have numerous benefits.

In fact, there are some reasons to hit the pool that are particularly relevant to people who have reached midlife and even beyond.

Swimming is a way to keep moving as your body experiences symptoms of aging

All the world knows that physical activity is an important component of overall health and can have a huge impact on your quality of life.

But as we age, keeping fit can become a challenge. Some exercises become uncomfortable, painful or even dangerous.

But swimming is easy on the joints and is one of the simplest ways to build strength and burn calories gently.

Improves cardiovascular health

Even just treading water, can increase your heart rate enough to make your heart stronger and more toned, resulting in better cardiovascular health.

A stronger heart will help improve your circulation which will allow your other organs to function more efficiently and help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.

Also read: Physical and emotional benefits of exercise after 50

5 Benefits of swimming in midlife and beyond
Photo – Pixabay

Swimming is a mood booster

Swimming is fun! Most people have positive memories and feelings associated with swimming as an activity, so that alone often means it’s a major mood booster.

If you swim long enough or hard enough, you’ll also get that incredible burst of endorphins that comes from exercise, and you’re likely to step out of the water feeling great physically and mentally.

You may make friends

Swimming can be quite the social activity and if you’re visiting the same pool or body of water regularly, you’re likely to get chatting with some of the other regulars and quite possibly make some friends.

The chances are even higher if you join an aqua-fitness class and share the experience with the same people every week.

Bonus: you’ll already know that you share at least one thing in common with everyone at the pool, so potential friendships will have a good jumping off point.

It can keep you safer out of the water

Regular exercise–swimming included–increases muscular strength, bone density and flexibility, all of which can make numerous everyday tasks easier for you, and reduce the risk of falls and other injuries.

It can even improve coordination and mental acuity, making you less clumsy and more aware of your surroundings, creating a safer environment for you at all times.

Spending time in the water is possible for almost anyone, regardless of age, weight or physical condition. When swimming or any other water-based exercise is performed consistently, it can have numerous benefits. In fact, there are some reasons to hit the pool that are particularly relevant to people who have reached midlife and even beyond. #midlife #swimming #fitness #over50
Shayne Rodriguez Thompson

Shayne is a freelance lifestyle writer with expertise in all things parenting, food and travel. She regularly contributes at MamasLatinas.com, CruiseCritic.com, independenttraveler.com and familyvacationcritic.com. Her career has allowed her to live out her passions while she raises her young family.

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