The past two years have not been easy for me. At 50 I was served divorce papers by my husband of 17 years. I´ve also changed jobs, relocated, and in many ways, found I had to reinvent myself all over again.
However, I feel I´m coming out on the other side of the tunnel and in the last couple of months I´ve done a few things for the first time ever, which makes me feel good.
Some of them are things other people may take for granted. I, on the other hand, celebrated each and every one of those firsts!
10 Cool things I did for the first time
Here they are:
Here I am with my first ever car purchased at 52!
1. I owned my faults in relationships, whereas in the past I would have been defensive.
2. I started living alone at 52. In my entire life, I only lived alone for 9 months at 28. This time around I´m really getting a kick out of it.
3. I bought my first car ever, started driving again, and I’m mastering and overcoming my fear of it!
4. My lifelong social phobia is almost gone. I have outgrown it and am able to experience friendships like never before.
5. I finally feel independent. This is something I truly needed in my life.
6. My confidence level has increased and I am able to participate even in the most ridiculous activities and I´m able to laugh at myself. My new motto is: What’s the worst that could happen?!
7. I shed my fear of facing a future without a partner. I can live in peace knowing I have friends and family who will always be there for me.
8. I’m ready to try new things and meet new people.
9. I traveled to new countries, like Nicaragua and China. I used to be scared of going to new places.
10. I tried online dating. It wasn´t successful, but at least I gave it a try!
I´d love to hear what things you´ve done for the first time in midlife. It doesn´t have to be anything wild or crazy. Just the first time you did it!
Isn´t it liberating to know it´s never too late to do what you could have done?
I invite you to follow my journey on my personal blog
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