Denise Mestanza-Taylor on blogging, menopause & personal growth

My recent conversation on YouTube with Denise Mestanza-Taylor, an influential figure in blogging and wellness, was an exploration of the evolution of social media, personal health struggles, and the art of adapting to life’s constant changes. 

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of flexibility, both in responding to the ever-changing digital world and in managing personal health and well-being.

Our connection, dating back to a conference in the 2010s has witnessed the seismic shifts in the digital world and personal wellness. We talked about our blogging journeys, the changes that perimenopause and menopause brought, and how we each handled them.

The Genesis and Transformation of Blogging

Denise took me back to the roots of blogging, a time reminiscent of narrative-centric posts. She’s been blogging since 2006, the same year I started blogging without quite knowing who I was writing for. 

“Back then, it was all about storytelling. We focused on the narrative, with very few images,” she recalled, reflecting on a time when blogs served as digital diaries or journals. 

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of flexibility, both in responding to the ever-changing digital world and in managing personal health and well-being.

She fondly remembered icons like Scary Mommy originally launched by Jill Smokler, who were pioneers in creating engaging, story-driven content. However, the digital landscape’s shift towards visual-centric platforms like Pinterest presented a new challenge. 

Denise spoke about adapting to these changes, “It was a significant shift, focusing more on images. I had to hone my photography skills to keep up with this new demand.”

The Dynamic World of Social Media

Our conversation seamlessly transitioned to the intricacies of social media’s evolution. Denise highlighted the unique demands and shifts in platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. 

“Each platform had its own language. Instagram was all about captivating visuals, while Pinterest required high-quality, pinnable images,” she explained. 

This diversity in platforms necessitated a flexible and creative approach to content creation, one that Denise navigated with perseverance and innovation.

Confronting Health Challenges: Perimenopause and Beyond

Denise’s openness about her health journey was both enlightening and inspiring. She shared her experience with perimenopause and menopause, which began in her 30s. 

“The journey wasn’t easy. There were a lot of physical and emotional ups and downs,” Denise shared. She emphasized the transformative role of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in her life. 

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of flexibility, both in responding to the ever-changing digital world and in managing personal health and well-being.

“Finding the right medical support was crucial. HRT brought a significant improvement in my quality of life,” she said, highlighting the need for medical intervention and awareness around women’s health issues.

The Path to Sobriety and Its Rewards

A pivotal aspect of our discussion was Denise’s decision to stop consuming alcohol. This choice, driven by a desire to improve her health and sleep quality, had profound implications. 

“The difference was night and day. I felt more energized and healthy,” she recounted. Denise’s journey into sobriety is a testament to the impact lifestyle changes can have on our overall well-being.

Fitness Evolution: From Running to Diverse Workouts

Denise’s fitness journey reflects her adaptive approach to life. Initially a runner, she later expanded her exercise regimen to include diverse activities like cycling and weightlifting. 

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of flexibility, both in responding to the ever-changing digital world and in managing personal health and well-being.

“Adapting my fitness routine was necessary. It’s about listening to your body and changing with it,” she said. This shift not only helped her maintain physical health but also brought a sense of renewal and challenge to her fitness journey.

Empowering Advice for Women Facing Similar Struggles

Denise’s message to women going through similar health challenges is one of solidarity and empowerment. 

“It’s important to know you’re not alone in this. Your experiences are valid and shared by many,” she emphasized. 

She advocates for openness and community support, especially regarding topics like menopause, often shrouded in silence.

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of flexibility, both in responding to the ever-changing digital world and in managing personal health and well-being.

Denise’s Online Presence: A Hub of Authenticity and Support

In her blog,, and through her social media channels, Denise continues to inspire and engage her audience. 

Her platforms are a blend of genuine reflections, humor, and practical advice on fitness, homeschooling, and navigating life’s changes.

Denise Mestanza-Taylor shed light on the importance of responding to the ever-changing digital world and managing health and well-being.
Lorraine C. Ladish

Bilingual and bicultural Spanish-American editor, writer, speaker, influencer, yoga teacher (RYT500) wife and mom. Founder of Viva Fifty! Published author of 18 books. Her most recent book Your Best Age was released by HarperCollins in September of 2017.


  • Reply February 14, 2024

    Run DMT

    Thank you for offering me the opportunity to share my story!

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