I had breakthrough COVID-19; this is how it went down
After a year and a half of taking all the precautions, being fully vaccinated, at 57 I contracted COVID-19 with symptoms. Here’s my story.
After a year and a half of taking all the precautions, being fully vaccinated, at 57 I contracted COVID-19 with symptoms. Here’s my story.
I recently contracted COVID-19 and although my symptoms were mild, I had to keep an eye on my blood pressure and blood oxygen levels.
Loving your midlife body is a must if you want to continue aging with grace and gumption. If we don´t learn to love ourselves now, when?
During my 90-day journey to getting used to taking my blood pressure regularly, I traveled to Colorado to visit my eldest. I still took my blood pressure daily.
Empezar una rutina de ejercicio es posible a cualquier edad. Aquí te damos tips para hacerlo a partir de los 50 sin demasiado esfuerzo.
No a todo el mundo le fascina hacer ejercicio. Si te cuesta encontrar la motivación, aquí tienes ocho motivos de peso para ponerte en movimiento.
I’m on a 90-day journey to take my blood pressure regularly while working on reducing stress by gardening. This is how it’s going.
Weighted blankets seem to be the rage because they claim to provide relief for a variety of physical and emotional issues.
Having lost three good friends to cancer in the last few years, I am on a mission to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer.