Having daytime sex helped me love myself
Having sex during the day wasn´t something I looked forward to at 50 and with a few pounds to lose. But, once we were done, I saw myself in the mirror. I didn´t look that bad!
Having sex during the day wasn´t something I looked forward to at 50 and with a few pounds to lose. But, once we were done, I saw myself in the mirror. I didn´t look that bad!
Cuando recuerdo mi juventud me da tanta rabia pensar que la perdí preocupándome de que los años pasaban y me sentía vieja.
Gozar de la vida es cuestión de talante, algo que me viene de familia. No se basa en la edad o una cifra.
Correr me ayudó a superar uno de los peores momentos de mi vida, y estoy segura de que el deporte es bueno para mejorar el ánimo.
I worry that sometimes the removal of the hyphen signaled a separation from one’s traditional culture in ways that would affect future generations
There are plenty of wonderful Latinas over 50 that are fabulous not only because of their looks, but also because of their accomplishments.
Planning for end of life care can be a positive and nurturing experience. It can also make life easier for all involved.
Hoy día no debería ser tabú el que un hombre joven ame a una mujer mayor que él. Te explicamos el porqué de este amor.
A 50+ woman has many advantages when it comes to love. She knows what she wants and she also knows how to give.