4 Yoga poses for menopause relief
I returned to yoga right as I started menopause, and I can tell you it´s made a huge difference. Here are four poses to help you find relief.
I returned to yoga right as I started menopause, and I can tell you it´s made a huge difference. Here are four poses to help you find relief.
Aqua yoga is a great way to practice this discipline in an environment that makes it easy on the joints. It’s also a fun and social way to explore asana yoga.
If you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair and just can´t get out of it, here are some yoga poses you can do without having to stand up.
If you’ve been wanting to get your yoga teacher certificate, there are specialty yoga teacher trainings designed for the 50-plus population.
Through Ayurveda, yoga´s ancient sister science, you can enhance your life in a relatively short time. Try these five practices and you will feel invigorated and more balanced.
Here are three easy ways I use yoga to offset the hot flashes, to cool myself down whenever I feel overheated, and also right before bed.
Realmente estoy cansada de escuchar a las mujeres quejarse de la edad que tienen. Mientras estemos vivas, deberíamos agradecer cumplir 55 o los que sean.
I’m tired of reading articles and posts where the author moans and groans about turning 40, 50, or even 60. I’m freaking grateful to turn 55.
Some yoga poses contribute to increase your energy levels, and others are meant to calm you down. These three or any variation of them will energize you.