6 Effective core exercises for midlife women
Core drills are important in midlife because they help our stability and wellbeing. Here are six effective core exercises for women in midlife.
Core drills are important in midlife because they help our stability and wellbeing. Here are six effective core exercises for women in midlife.
After my first ever Yin Yoga class I wondered whether it was normal to feel so out of sorts. I was fine physically, but I felt truly sad and down.
In midlife and beyond, back pain is extremely prevalent. Here are 4 yoga poses that can help alleviate it.
If you are in the Sarasota area, SUP Yoga SRQ offers a great experience for beginner and advanced yogis alike. It’s also an empowering experience for mature practitioners.
If you’ve never tried restorative yoga, get ready to unwind and relax in record time. Supported forward folds are great to enjoy before going to bed.
Yoga is especially beneficial over 50 because it helps with many of the physical and emotional changes that come with aging.
Perseguir nuestros sueños no tiene edad. Está demostrado científicamente que emprender cosas nuevas ayuda a mantener la mente ágil.
At 55 I set out to learn how to handstand by the age of 60. To my surprise, I accomplished it by my 57th birthday. What’s next?
Since I turned 50, every year for my birthday I have a dedicated photoshoot. It helps me honor and appreciate the passage of time.