Julie Harbour: midlife influencer overcoming adversity and spreading positivity

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Julie Harbour, an LA-based stylist, embarked on a remarkable journey when she launched her blog, StylishParadox.com, in 2016. 

Initially driven by personal interests and a desire for self-expression, Julie had no idea that her social media presence would later become a lucrative platform. 

 Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Photo courtesy of Julie Harbour

As a woman over 50, she discovered that not only were older women captivating to social media consumers, but they also appealed to brands seeking mature influencers.

 However, Julie’s path took an unexpected turn when she faced a major health scare that profoundly impacted her perspective on life.

A life-altering health scare

 Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Photo courtesy of Julie Harbour

In the midst of her successful presence and paid partnerships on social media, Julie experienced a significant health scare that would redefine her outlook. 

A persistent tingling sensation under her eye led her to seek medical attention, where she received alarming news of a potential brain tumor or pseudoaneurysm. 

An angiogram, an in-patient procedure, was recommended by a doctor. Regrettably, the procedure went awry and resulted in facial paralysis, impacting her ability to smile—a facet she says she had taken for granted as an influencer.

Overcoming challenges with resilience

 Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Photo courtesy of Julie Harbour

Julie’s journey through this trying time was marked by tremendous strength and resilience. 

Despite facing daunting medical challenges, she found solace in her faith, the support of her friends, and the online community, connecting with others who had undergone similar experiences. 

Julie’s determination and unwavering spirit became evident as she navigated her way through therapy and embraced the invaluable lessons learned during her recovery.

Advocating for change

Throughout her recovery, Julie encountered numerous obstacles, including the struggle to secure a follow-up appointment after her surgery. 

Reflecting on her experience, she expressed her belief that if she weren’t a woman of color, her treatment might have been different. 

By sharing her story, Julie hopes to shed light on the need for equal treatment in healthcare, encouraging others to push through tough times and inspire positive change.

A fresh perspective on social media

Julie’s journey has influenced her approach to social media, emphasizing the importance of self-care and authenticity. 

No longer feeling compelled to conform to others’ expectations, she now posts only when she feels inspired, free from the pressure of maintaining a constant presence. 

Her authenticity and genuine engagement with her audience have solidified her reputation as a trusted influencer, even during challenging times.

Empowering others and future aspirations

 Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Photo courtesy of Julie Harbour

Driven by her desire to serve and empower others, Julie dreams of writing a book and hosting a conference for women. 

She recognizes her natural ability to connect with people and hopes to amplify her influence through these ventures. 

Furthermore, Julie is excited to contribute to an upcoming book alongside a well-known African-American author, focusing on fashion-forward individuals over the age of 50.

What the future holds for Julie and her followers

 Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Photo courtesy of Julie Harbour

Julie Harbour’s journey from being a stylist to becoming an influencer has been characterized by resilience, determination, and a deep appreciation for life. 

Her inspiring story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, as she navigated the challenges of a life-threatening health scare and emerged stronger than ever. 

Julie’s authenticity, coupled with her desire to uplift and inspire others, has solidified her position as a trusted influencer. 

As she continues to evolve, Julie remains committed to reaching those who need her message the most. 

For more insights from Julie Harbour, readers can visit her blog, Stylish Paradox, or follow her on Instagram.

Julie Harbour, a stylist turned influencer, embarked on a journey that took an unexpected turn when a health scare left her with facial paralysis. Julie's resilience and authenticity have propelled her to inspire others.
Viva Fifty!

Viva Fifty! is an online bilingual and multicultural community that celebrates your best age. Midlife and beyond.

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