Food & Wine Conference, a Recipe for Empowerment
Viva FIfty was invited to attend the Food & Wine Conference in Orlando, Florida and we found ourselves surrounded by empowerment!
Viva FIfty was invited to attend the Food & Wine Conference in Orlando, Florida and we found ourselves surrounded by empowerment!
El mundial de fútbol es una oportunidad para sentirnos más cerca de la familia, cuanto más lejos vaya nuestro equipo.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 packs a lot of punch in a sleek and state of the art design.
Casarse a los cincuenta años puede ser una experiencia inigualable.
Menopause it a time of mixed feelings. How does it feel to miss your period in midlife? This is how it was for me when I started this journey.
Age is mind over matter, or is it once you´re past a certain number?
Tener cincuenta años tiene muchas ventajas, una de las cuales es simplemente el hecho de cumplirlos. Comparto contigo las que yo encuentro.
Fifty is not the new thirty, it´s the new fifty, for many empowering reasons! Here are mine, when I turned fifty, and that haven´t changed much since then.