9 Foods that fight hot flashes

While one of the most uncomfortable symptoms we suffer during menopause are the dreaded hot flashes, there are many foods that help fight hot flashes. 

Whether you experience these symptoms mostly at night or whether they surprise you at odd times throughout the day, consuming certain foods will help combat them.

The goal behind these foods is not to consume them as medicine. Instead, you should view these foods as a holistic change in your diet in order for the food to help you fight hot flashes. 

A change in your diet might be necessary. But here are some actual meal suggestions to help you fight those dreaded hot flashes

African American woman feeling a hot flash
Photo: Shutterstock

1. Hummus

Hummus is made from ground chickpeas, sesame seeds (Tahini) and garlic, all of which contain Phytoestrogens. 

As the name implies, Phytoestrogens have a similar chemical structure as Estrogen, the hormone that your body has stopped producing during menopause. 

Foods that contain Phytoestrogens can help your body balance your hormonal levels and fight menopausal symptoms including hot flashes. 

Other foods that are rich in Phytoestrogens include vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale and fruits like cherries, apples and apricots. 

2. Salads

    We all know salads are healthy since they are rich in fiber and roughage, all of which help our digestive system and overall health. But eating a salad made with kale, cabbage, spinach, carrots, cucumber and celery is like a double whammy for helping you fight the symptoms of hot flashes. 

    Cabbage, Kale, and carrots contain Phytoestrogens. Cucumbers and celery are considered cooling foods in traditional Chinese medicine. Spinach is rich in iron and vitamin E which a study published in the National Institute of Health has shown helps combat hot flashes and night sweats.

    3. Salmon

      A portion of wild-fished salmon can do wonders for your hot flashes. Cook it any way you want, perhaps with a side of spinach and quinoa, and you’ve got a powerful recipe to fight hot flashes and night sweats.

      Salmon, like sardines and other cold-water fish, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, all of which help you regulate hormone levels, and maintain a healthy diet. Quinoa is rich in fiber and helps regulate hormones and stabilize blood sugar levels which can increase hot flashes. 

      Salmon, lemon and asparagus on a plate
      Photo: Salmon

      4. Mixed nuts

        Need a healthy snack to help fight hot flashes? Consider a small bowl of mixed nuts that includes walnuts, almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds. 

        Cashews contain Phytoestrogens while almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and Folate which help regulate your hormonal levels.  

        5. Oatmeal

          Like quinoa, oatmeal is not only rich in fiber but it also helps regulate blood sugar levels. My suggestion for breakfast is a quarter cup of steel-cut oats with a handful of nuts, such as walnuts or cashews and berries such as blueberries or strawberries.

          According to the Cleveland Clinic foods such as nuts, most berries contain Phytoestrogens, all of which help with menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes and night sweats. 

          6. Power shake

          Consider this your anti-hot flashes superpower shake. Soy milk, flax seed, and your choice of berries, bananas or apples to flavor the drink. Put it all in the blender and liquefy.

          There have been numerous studies that show soy products help fight hot flashes and other menopause symptoms because they contain genistein and daidzen which have been shown to help manage cold flashes. 

          But soy also contains Phytoestrogen. Add to that flaxseed which has the highest amount of Phytoestrogen than most other foods, and you have yourself a mega anti-hot flashes shake.

          Woman with green juice
          Photo: Shutterstock

          7. Chicken with lemon and garlic

          It doesn’t matter what part of the chicken you choose to cook, marinate it in lemon and garlic, serve with a side of quinoa and cauliflower or broccoli and you’re good to go.

          Chicken and lemon are both considered cooling foods in traditional Chinese medicine and garlic is rich in Phytoestrogen. 

          So this is not just a healthy dinner, but when you back it up with quinoa and a vegetable rich in Phytoestrogen it becomes a powerful ally in your fight against hot flashes. 

          8. Guacamole

          Avoid hot peppers and any spice. Instead, mash up the avocado with diced red or green bell pepper and a touch of sage for a delicious, non-spicy guac that will have you coming back for more.

          Avocados are a superfood loaded with potassium, vitamin E and healthy fats that help your body absorb nutrients. 

          Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C which according to the Women’s Healthy Network helps increase levels of progesterone in the body. WebMD says sage supplements help alleviate hot flashes, night sweats and sleeplessness. 

          9. Green juice

          Like the power shake mentioned above, if you like juicing, consider blending up a juice of cucumber, celery, apple, and kiwi fruit. Together all these foods are a powerhouse against hot flashes. 

          Celery and apples contain phytoestrogen and like cucumber, they are also considered cooling foods in traditional Chinese medicine. And kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin E which helps reduce hot flashes.

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